Gives you mobility on a site as well as quicker transaction turnaround time.
Lariat has taken a massive leap in the utilisation of the latest technology on the market, replacing desktop computers with the mobility of Android Tablets. Like the Touchkiosk, that was one of our trademark products, has now been replaced by a standard Android Tablet. Bosting with the same functionality as his predecessor but at a fraction of the cost.
Depending on the RecycleProX Package you can add as many tablets to your site as you want.
Each tablet can support up to 4 active small platform scales.
You can run 1 weighbridge per tablet.
High Definision IP cameras takes snapshot over every smallscale. On the weighbridge you can add 3 to 4 IP cameras.
8 x simulations transactions.
Up to 4 x small scales per tablet.
Snapshots per weight.
Accounts selections.
Create and select casuals.
Get tare.
Common product name.
Purchase history.
Customer signatures.
Manuals transactions.
Price change.
Multi product transactions.
WB notes.
Purchase and sales.
Multiple Pictures.
Change Product.
Add Inv/Pn numbers.
Bale weighing and tagging.
Bale sales.
WB only.
Customer Signature.
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